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HOME Knowledge Insight Blog Blog List VIDEO: Takahide Kiuchi spoke to Beat Siegenthaler of the UBS Knowledge Network on Japanese monetary policy

VIDEO: Takahide Kiuchi spoke to Beat Siegenthaler of the UBS Knowledge Network on Japanese monetary policy

Jul. 25, 2018

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Should we expect more of an improvement from inflation? Have the Bank of Japan and Governor Kuroda lost confidence in the current 2% target?

NRI’s executive economist, Takahide Kiuchi met with Beat Siegenthaler, FRC Knowledge Network Macro Advisor, UBS Investment Bank to answer these questions and more regarding all things Japanese monetary policy in an edition of UBS Knowledge Network Q&A Series.

Takahide Kiuchi was a former member of the Bank of Japan Policy Board Executive Economist for five years and is currently the Executive Economist at NRI. Kiuchi provides insight on yield curve control, the height of the Phillip’s curve, challenges the Bank of Japan may face in the future, and more.

Watch the full video here.

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