&N Dream up the future lab.

Envision the future
with Nomura Research Institute

Differences in work styles help generate ideas: Mid-term report on youth study group with Nomura Securities

The "Youth Study Group on Business Process Innovation" was initiated in early 2017 by Nomura Research Institute (NRI) and Nomura Securities, under the concept "From actual hands-on experience to ideas for practical application." The study group considers each theme for around three months and implements cycles of empirical experiments. The first theme was blockchain technology.

Utilizing a new technology to solve everyday problems

First, the members spent time understanding the characteristics of blockchain technology, then considered ideas for solving everyday problems. This process was used to create a foundation for new business processes with a mid- to long-term perspective. One of their ideas utilizing blockchain technology for business is currently patent pending.


Differences in work styles help generate ideas: Mid-term report on youth study group with Nomura Securities

Now working on AI/robotics

In May, the study group began on a new theme: AI/robotics.
They are increasing their range of activities by sharing technical knowledge and Nomura Securities case studies, using Microsoft Azure with cooperation from Microsoft Japan, and inviting participation of IT venture company Simulatio Corporation (Term1 participating company of the Nomura HD’s accelerator program, VOYAGER).
The members settled on the current hot topic—work style reform—as the issue to be tackled, and they are now brainstorming ideas. Because the two companies have different work styles, they included a program to help each side understand the other's work.


Managing Director Kayano, Nomura Securities

Managing Director Kayano, Nomura Securities


Mr. Kayano, Managing Director of Nomura Securities, commented, "I hope to see the study group members be curious about new things, be courageous in new endeavors, learn diverse and new perspectives, and combine the knowledge and experience gained in this study group to create value for a new world." The members show spirit in response to his high expectations.

The study group will conduct one more cycle starting this fall, ending in a final summary and evaluation for the year. We look forward to their future activities.