"Share the Next Values!": Realizing the NRI Group's "Dream Up the Future" and Sustainability Management
Since its founding in 1965, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI) has achieved growth based on the philosophy of "creating the future society together with clients." The long-term management vision "Vision2022" and the vision statement "Share the Next Values!" announced in 2016 have taken forward the founding ideals of the company. Here we introduce the NRI Group's efforts to realize “Share the Next Values!” and promote “Sustainability management”, which emphasizes the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors to balance sustainable growth with the creation of a sustainable future-oriented society.
The Founding Philosophy Has Supported Sustainable Growth
The former Nomura Research Institute (NRI) and Nomura Computer Systems (NCC) merged on January 1, 1988, to form the present NRI.
The former NRI was established in 1965 as Japan's first full-fledged comprehensive private-sector think tank. The prospectus "Nomura Research Institute Concepts and Policies" released 3 years prior to its establishment set forth two objectives: "Becoming a one of its kind of research company never before seen in Japan" and "Promoting the industrial economy and serving the general community through research." The beginning of the management policy stated that they will "contribute to the progress of society by conducting fair research and surveys" and "carry out comprehensive research covering both technological and economic aspects." The Japanese name of the company contains the word "integrated" because they were committed to thinking about things in a multi-disciplinary manner rather than a single approach.
The former NRI, which was born under this concept, merged with the NCC in 1988. The consensus of the management teams at the time of the merger was that in the upcoming advanced information society, neither could there exist a think-tank without system functions nor a systems company without a think-tank function. Now, 30 years after the merger, society is entering a period of digitalization, where consulting and IT services are two sides of the same coin. A major turning point for NRI was the listing of its shares on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2001. In addition to a management framework that keeps the company running in a well-ordered manner, the careful attention of investors was also a driving force for development.
Vision2022 and the NRI Group’s Sustainability Management
Based on this history, NRI's long-term management vision "Vision2022" and vision statement "Share the Next Values!" were formulated in 2016 to express NRI's intention to continue to take on the challenge of creating new value. The Medium-Term Management Plan 2022, which was formulated to realize the Vision2022, newly clarified CSV (Creating Shared Value) initiatives as a solution to social issues through value co-creation, in addition to the non-financial objectives "Materiality for sustainable growth" linked to growth strategies. Through these initiatives, the NRI Group is promoting sustainability management that balances sustainable growth with the creation of a sustainable future society.
In particular, we have defined the NRI Group's 3 Social Values as a solution to social issues through value co-creation, and we aim for management that can contribute to the creation of a sustainable future society through all our businesses.
Solving Social Issues through 3 Shared Values
"Co-creation of a thriving future society" means the continuous generation of new values for the future and the creation of an affluent and comfortable society that all consumers can enjoy. As an example of this, NRI is promoting Digital Transformation (DX). Using both the approaches of DX 1.0, which uses digital technologies to advance clients' business processes, and DX 2.0, which works with clients to create new businesses, we have launched joint ventures in the last year with DMG Mori Seiki Co., Ltd., Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd., DENSO Co., Ltd., and Nippon Airlines Co., Ltd., and plan to continue these activities is the future.
"Co-creation of an ideal society" means nurturing strong industries that effectively utilize valuable social resources (manpower, goods, capital, and intellectual property) and aiming to create a comfortable society for everyone. In this field, NRI has contributed to reforming the business processes of financial institutions by developing shared-use platforms that support finance, such as STAR and BESTWAY. In addition to driving the ownership-to-use trend of financial institutions, it is also bringing about a reduction in carbon emissions due to the joint use of information systems. Going forward, we will continue to expand these businesses and create new platforms for new fields and new customers, and promote businesses that co-create a business foundation to ensure effective utilization of corporate social resources.
"Co-creation of a safe and secure society" means protecting social infrastructures such as information systems and aiming to create a safe and secure society that can easily withstand accidents and disasters. With information infrastructure becoming increasingly complex, NRI is promoting the business of offering security-backed infrastructure as a managed service * . We have also been involved in activities related to disaster prevention and mitigation and reconstruction support.
In order to promote these social values as a business, we have set targets and KPIs for both consulting and solutions (IT services) in the Medium-Term Management Plan 2022. We have established a management system that enables management to run the PDCA cycle and check whether or not businesses are linked to the 3 social values. Through these management activities, NRI aims to contribute to the creation of a sustainable future society, remain an essential member of society, and achieve sustainable growth.
Opening video for the ESG Briefing: "NRI Group’s Co-create Social Values"
*Managed service:
An outsourcing service, which provides comprehensive management services such as for server operation, maintenance, and failure handling
*D2C (Direct to Consumer):
A system for selling products and services directly to consumers without going via a distributor
*ASP (Application Service Provider):
Company, service, or business model that provides business applications and software to multiple customers over the internet
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