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HOME Value Co-creation Initiatives for Sustainable Development in the Securities and Finance Industries(Part 2)

Initiatives for Sustainable Development in the Securities and Finance Industries(Part 2)

Sharing Ideas beyond Organizational Boundaries

NRI has many clients in the securities and financial industries. Therefore, we are always thinking of new ways to create a healthy and sustainable environment for the sales of financial products in today’s ever-changing, challenging market environment, and we want develop solutions to better prepare our clients for this environment. Here we introduce NRI’s initiatives for the sustainable development of the securities and financial industries, which we are promoting based on the above philosophy.

Addressing industry-wide challenges beyond organizational boundaries

In February 2020, the Securities Solution Division held an opinion exchange session that brought together our STAR* clients, securities industry stakeholders and NRI employees, titled "Face-to-Face Securities Business is Required for the Future". The first of these events, held in October 2019 and highly praised by the participants, was centered on pooling ideas on ways to realize a more dynamic securities industry.
This exchange meeting is now held regularly as part of the value co-creation activities launched by the Securities Solution Division. At the February session, in which NRI’s next generation of leaders, mainly in their 30s, actively participated, we explained the significance of these activities to the presidents and top management of each securities company, who were quick to understand the importance of our activities.

Creating new values from the marketplace of ideas

At the meeting, Takashi Yoshinaga from NRI America gave a speech on "The Future of Securities Company Management", in which he talked about the long-term changes in the profit structure of U.S retail sector securities companies and the strategies and measures that brought about these changes. Next, in a workshop on the theme "Co-Creation of New Added Value in Face-to-Face Securities Companies", the participants responded to NRI’s perceived paradigm shift in the industry, and exchanged views on the kind of value that the securities industry should provide in the future and the ways to achieve it. They enthusiastically showed their determination to lead the securities industry in the future.
Many of the participants expressed positive thoughts such as "It was good to share our thoughts on improving the industry", "I want to be proud of the fact that I am part of a face-to-face securities company after 5 to 10 years" and "I hope we can work together to boost the securities industry".
*STAR: NRI's solutions for securities companies

The volatile environment surrounding the securities and financial industries is expected to continue amid increasingly uncertain social trends. In such an environment, however, NRI is keenly aware of the need to work with its clients to create new value for the securities industry and accelerate structural reforms while thinking about the future of the industry as a whole. NRI will continue its value co-creation activities to achieve sustainable growth and build a sustainable future society.