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Capital Markets & IT - lakyara October 2022

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Financial institutions are under constant pressure to reduce costs, improve operational efficiency, adapt to regulatory changes and grow their business. NRI believes that a combination financial knowledge and information technology are crucial to the industry’s growth and development.
Through our lakyara reports, NRI identifies the various capital markets and IT issues impacting our clients and the future of their business.

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  • Digital Innovation

    Misconceptions surrounding NFTs

    Expert Researcher Financial Market & Digital Business Research Department

    Ryoji Kashiwagi

    NFTs ensure transactions’ authenticity and uniqueness. They have the potential to dramatically expand circulation of digital assets. However, they currently do not necessarily ensure the uniqueness or authenticity of their underlying digital assets because only a portion of their data is recorded on a blockchain. Additionally, legal rights in Japan are fuzzy with respect to transferring IP and title to NFTs. Widespread adoption of NFTs will likely require standardized licensing terms and expansion of NFT standards.

