The Asia-Pacific Financial Forum (APFF), one of the main activity bodies that support the APEC Business Advisory Council’s Finance & Economics Working Group, is promoting awareness and collaborative discussions between public and private sector across the region to better navigate the transformations of the future of our environment via six work streams. As one of the work streams, the APFF Financial Market Infrastructure Work Stream has formulated a roadmap on how to best develop financial market infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region. The outcomes of the discussion will be beneficial for not only the emerging markets but also developed markets in Asia Pacific such as Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore since these markets have been responding to the global regulatory changes after the global financial crisis (GFC). Adding to the changes from GFC effects across the region, market participants have also started to re-expand their roles and markets are developing legal/regulatory frameworks to benefit from advanced technologies while mitigating various types of risks that can arise from the early stage of technological development.

About the Author

  • Ken Katayama

    Senior Researcher

    Digital Financial Business Planning Department Ⅰ
