
Companies are being challenged to adapt to the "New Normal" as quickly as possible in a dynamic environment, especially from multitudes of 2020 events. This study, executed by Nomura Research Institute America and ISOS Group, outlines the 2020 major events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, and through case studies and surveys explores how companies have reacted to societal changes.
Leading examples show how notable global companies have realized success in their business as they address societal issues, which results in creating "shared value". Shared value can be recognized through developing new business opportunities, re-evaluating business agility & resiliency, and improving the local business environment. To be competitive in the market in the New Normal, companies should consider sustainability a core axis for new strategies for their businesses, with a long-term vision in mind to be competitive.

  • Ray Park

    Nomura Research Institute America

  • Tory Yoshida

    Nomura Research Institute America

  • Maria Brown

    Nomura Research Institute America

  • Jessica Lis

    Nomura Research Institute America

  • Nancy Mancilla

    ISOS Group

  • Brian Noveck

    ISOS Group