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HOME Knowledge Insight Report Report List Highly Effective Data Utilization

Highly Effective Data Utilization

─ Discover the Characteristics of Your Company’s Business through Hypothesis Testing ─

Nov. 20, 2017

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As DMPs (Data Management Platforms) for gathering anda analyzing internal and external data and coming up with optimal policies gain prominence, data gathering and tool implementation are proceeding without a clear idea of how to utilize them. Many companies find themselves unable to achieve the benefits they were hoping for. In this article, we consider how data should be utilized for digital marketing, and take a look at relevant institutional problems.


  1. Data collection alone is not enough
  2. Three steps of NRI Digital-style data utilization
  3. An organizational structure for data utilization


Highly Effective Data Utilization
─ Discover the Characteristics of Your Company’s Business through Hypothesis Testing ─


Author's Profile

Tomohiro Yamazaki

NRI Digital
Digital Solution Business Department Head
Specialties: Business model reforms and marketing strategies utilizing digital technology

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