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HOME Knowledge Insight Report Report List 41st meeting

Jun. 20, 2017

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Panel Proceedings and Related Materials


Normalization of US monetary policy


Mr. Kazuto Uchida, Managing Executive Officer, Global Markets Unit, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Mr. Yukio Egawa, Chief Strategist, Research Division, Shinsei Securities (Absent)
Mr. Amane Oshima, Managing Executive Officer (Joint Head of Markets Unit), Mizuho Corporate Bank
Ms. Yuri Okina, Vice President, Japan Research Institute
Mr. Izuru Kato, President and Chief Economist, Totan Research
Mr. Yukinobu Kitamura, Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Mr. Takashi Kozu, President, Ricoh Institute of Sustainability and Business
Ms. Miyako Suda, Special Advisor, Canon Institute for Global Studies
Mr. Hajime Takata, Senior Executive Officer and Chief Economist, Mizuho Research Institute (Absent)
Mr. Katsuyuki Tokushima, Senior Research Fellow, NLI Research Institute
Ms. Naoko Nemoto, Financial Economist, Asian Development Bank Institute (Absent)
Mr. Shinichi Fukuda, Professor, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo
Mr. Kaoru Hosono, Professor, Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University
Mr. Noriyuki Yanagawa, Professor, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo (Absent)
Mr. Toshiaki Watanabe, Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University


Tetsuya Inoue, General Manager, Financial Technology and Market Research Department, Nomura Research Institute


Katsutoshi Takehana, Senior Researcher, Financial Technology and Market Research Department, Nomura Research Institute

Key Discussion Points

  1. Financial and economic developments and the dual mandate
  2. Labor market conditions and the wage structure
  3. Debate regarding monetary policy normalization


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