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HOME Knowledge Insight Report Report List Asia and Europe

Asia and Europe


Mar. 22, 2021

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Moscow branch, Consulting Division, Nomura Research Institute in cooperation with “Financial and Organizational Consulting”, LLC conducted research named as “Asia and Europe: potential investors outlook on Moscow” and have attempted to give a systematic description of the approaches and procedures used by different groups of foreign investors when making respective decisions. Our team have also reviewed potential communication channels for getting in touch with these investors, indicating the country and group specifics.
The task in question becomes even more challenging in the context of the ongoing pandemic and the difficult economic situation. Standard factors of investment attractiveness (infrastructure availability, tax and customs privileges, acceleration of procedures, quality of life) remain necessary, but not always sufficient for success.
In this situation, the quality of marketing to potential investors becomes important. To increase its effectiveness, it is necessary to make a clear investment proposal, choose adequate communication channels, consider the level of decision-making in international corporations, understand the role of foreign authorities in these processes and focus on the preferences of particular groups of foreign investors. It's important to work with specific target groups, not just the global investment community in general. All those issues were earned during our survey and introduced in the report.

  • Moscow branch, Consulting Division

  • Financial and Organizational Consulting, LLC

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