TOKYO, February 21, 2019 – Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI), a leading provider of consulting services and system solutions, announced that on February 18, 2019 it has joined RE100*1, a global initiative led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP, which brings together companies committed to achieve 100% renewable electricity usage for their global business activities. In joining RE100, NRI aims to have renewable electricity comprise all of the electric power used in its business activities by fiscal 2050. Also, at least 90% of the energy that the NRI Group uses is electric power, so the group seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its business activities to close to zero by fiscal 2050.
NRI is the 165th company to join RE100, and the 17th from Japan.


The NRI Group has been continuously working to reduce its greenhouse emissions through efforts that include migrating its systems to new, highly environmentally-friendly data centers, and moving its head office and other main offices to buildings with high environmental performance. To achieve 100% renewable electricity usage, NRI is adding to its existing initiatives by expanding its use of renewable electricity while devising the optimal methods to procure renewable power according to local circumstances at each business location in Japan and throughout the world.

Sam Kimmins, Head of RE100, The Climate Group, said: “It’s a pleasure to welcome NRI to RE100. The corporate appetite for renewable electricity continues to grow in Japan, sending a clear signal that companies want access to clean, low-cost power. We now need Japanese policymakers to enable an electricity market that supports their ambition, allowing companies to buy renewables directly and at a fair price.”

In joining the RE100 initiative, NRI is accelerating its efforts toward the achievement of SDGs*2, while also reducing strain on the global environment in the name of conservation and helping create a sustainable future society under its corporate philosophy to “Dream Up the Future.”

  • *1  

    RE100: A global leadership initiative led by the international NPO The Climate Group*3 in partnership with CDP*4. Companies that join the initiative commit to source 100% renewable electricity for their global operations. NRI is the 165th company to join RE100, and the 17th from Japan.
    RE100 official website :

  • *2  

    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 17 goals set at the UN Sustainable Development Summit as an important policy for eradicating poverty and achieving sustainable development by the year 2030.

  • *3

    The Climate Group: An international non-profit organization with offices in London, New Delhi, and New York, whose mission is to accelerate climate action to achieve a world of no more than 1.5°C of global warming and greater prosperity for all. The organization achieves this by bringing together powerful networks of business and governments that shift global markets and policies.
    The Climate Group official website :

  • *4  

    CDP: An NPO that provides guidance to companies and government agencies on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the protection of aquatic resources and forests. The organization operates a system of environmental information disclosures used by large numbers of companies and cities, and also provides both data analysis and expert knowledge throughout the world, while being backed by investors who own total assets of USD $87 trillion.
    CDP official website :

For Reference

■NRI’s sustainability-related initiatives

■NRI’s climate change-related news releases


Founded in 1965, NRI is a leading global provider of system solutions and consulting services, including management consulting, system integration, and IT management and solutions for financial, manufacturing, retail and service industries. Clients partner with NRI to expand businesses, design corporate structures and create new business strategies. NRI has about 13,000 employees in more than 50 offices globally including New York, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia. NRI reports annual sales above $4.2 billion.
For more information, visit  

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Media Inquiries:

Kenji Honda, Shigeru Fujisawa
Sustainability & Responsibility Group.
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
