Tokyo,December 7, 2021 ‐ Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI) was selected for the third consecutive year as an A List company, the highest rating given by CDP 1 , an international non-profit organization on global environmental issues, in its FY2021 climate change survey (CDP Climate Change Questionnaire). This is in recognition of NRI's climate change strategy, response, and information disclosure, which are suitable for a global leader.


About the CDP A List

CDP's Climate Change Survey surveys the world's top companies by market capitalization to assess their greenhouse gas emission reduction activities and climate change mitigation measures, and evaluates companies on a scale of A to D- based on their responses and discloses these evaluations. The CDP A List selects companies that have made particularly outstanding efforts in their strategies and responses to climate change. In FY2021, more than 590 institutional investors with USD 110 trillion in assets under management and 200 major purchasing companies with USD 5.5 trillion in purchasing power requested environmental information disclosure through the CDP platform, and a record number of approximately 13,000 companies responded. 200 companies, or about 2% of the top companies, were selected for the A List in the area of climate change.

NRI's efforts on climate change and background on the selection of companies for the A List

In February 2021, NRI formulated a greenhouse gas emission reduction target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 72% in FY2030 (compared to FY2013) and was selected by the Science Based Targets (SBT) 2 initiative as an ambitious target to limit the temperature increase from pre-industrial times to 1.5°C. In addition, we have set a goal to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to virtually zero by 2050, and we are studying the use of renewable energy for powering our data centers to achieve this goal. In addition, we were one of the first operating companies to endorse the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) 3 in 2018, and we publish the results of scenario analyses for the business units in question, along with their financial impacts, every year.

NRI believes that its efforts and disclosure of information on climate change have been recognized as being at a high level internationally, which led to its selection for this award.

The NRI Group will continue to contribute to the creation of a sustainable future society by creating new value together with various stakeholders to address social issues such as climate change under the corporate philosophy of "Dream up the future.”

[NRI's sustainability initiatives]

  • 1  

    CDP is a non-profit organization whose main activity is to drive companies and local governments to disclose information on the measures for environmental issues including climate change, water resources protection and forest conservation based on the requests from global institutional investors and major purchasing organizations having great interest in environmental issues and encourage them to conduct those measures. In FY 2020, more than 515 institutional investors with assets under management of USD 106 trillion and more than 150 purchasing organizations with procurement of USD 4 trillion have endorsed CDP's activities. During FY2020, more than 9,600 companies, representing more than 50% of the world's market capitalization, disclosed environmental information through CDP. In addition to this, hundreds of local governments have also disclosed environmental information through CDP. CDP is now one of the most useful disclosure information platforms in the world for environmental issues. CDP is also a founding member of the We Mean Business Coalition.

    Please refer to the CDP website below for more information on the CDP A List and the scores of responding companies.
    CDP website (English)

  • 2  

    Science Based Targets (SBT):
    These are science-based greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set by companies to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels. The SBT initiative was established by CDP, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), a coalition of institutional investors that promotes the disclosure of information on climate change measures in order to promote action on climate change.

    SBT initiative website (English)

  • 3  

    Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD):
    The TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) is a private-sector-led task force on climate-related financial disclosures launched by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) at the request of the G20 (Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy). The TCFD released its final report with recommendations in June 2017, calling for companies, etc. to disclose their climate change-related governance, strategies, risk management, and indicators and targets. NRI expressed its support of the recommendations in July 2018.

    TCFD website (English)

Contact Us

Inquiries regarding this announcement:

Corporate Communications Department,
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.


Inquiries regarding this matter:

Honda, Takahashi,
Sustainability & Responsibility Group,
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
