Beginning in February 2022 , Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI) released “Senju Family 1 2022”, the newest version of its system operation management solution developed for and provided to companies.

With the spread of COVID-19 having significantly altered the way people work, and with face-to-face communication on the decline amid the rise of remote work, many companies have identified the need for their system operation divisions to strengthen cross-organizational collaboration with their development and business divisions as a challenge. In addition, amid the rise in the full-scale utilization of multi-cloud environments selectively using multiple cloud services, companies will be required to efficiently manage multiple external services and tools distributed across different environments during their system operations.
This latest version of Senju Family offers enhanced integration between external services and automated collaborations with relevant parties across organizations. The chart below lists the main enhancements.

Chart 1: Enhancements to Senju Family’s Solutions

Chart 1: Enhancements to Senju Family’s Solutions

With this latest version of the suite, NRI will begin providing an “operation survey service” that enables users to visualize the actual status of their system operations, together with “mPLAT/Tour”, a feature that lets users easily try out our cloud system operation platform mPLAT 4 . For details, please visit the “Senju Family” website using the link below.

Going forward, NRI will continue to provide advanced, easy-to-use solutions and services for system operations, to help companies create value by utilizing information systems.

  • 1   

    Senju Family: a system operation management tool suite developed and provided by NRI.

  • 2   

    Webhook: a feature that allows real-time data to be sent from an application to an external service.

  • 3   

    Two-factor authentication (MFA): an authentication method that requires a user to provide two types of credentials for authentication.

  • 4   

    mPLAT: a service that provides system operation features based on “Senju Family” via the cloud.

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Media Inquiries:

Kayano Umezawa, Hiroyuki Matsumoto
Corporate Communications Department
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.


Inquiries about this matter:

Senju Information Center
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
