Tokyo, May 08, 2023 – Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; Chairman, President & CEO Shingo Konomoto, “NRI”) announced today that in conjunction with the formulation of “NRI Group Vision 2030” (the NRI Group’s management vision for 2030, “V2030”), it has revised its existing materiality to identify a total of eight materiality issues across three tiers, namely “Value Creation”, “Value Creation Capital”, and “Management Basis (ESG)”.

Under our corporate statement “Dream up the future”, the NRI Group has made its mission to envision and realize new paradigms and to be a trusted partner for mutual growth. Furthermore, the NRI Group is dedicated to achieving a “Society We Innovate” in the form of a “prosperous society that nourishes potential and brings dreams to life”, a “sustainable society that connects knowledge to treat the planet wisely”, and a “resilient society that promotes safety and security”, with this goal being at the heart of our corporate philosophy.

As stated in V2030 which was announced in April 2023, we are taking a unified approach to creating a sustainable society and to achieving the NRI Group’s growth strategy. Based on this, we have identified a total of eight materiality issues across three tiers as priority themes to be addressed as we head towards 2030, specifically “Value Creation”, “Value Creation Capital”, and “Management Basis (ESG: Environment, Society, and Corporate Governance)”, and these issues occupy a central place in the NRI Group’s Sustainability Strategy (Fig. 1).

In identifying these issues, we referred to the relevant international standards and guidelines and requests from ESG ratings agencies, and sought consistency with our corporate philosophy and growth strategy, and the opinions of outside directors and experts, as we considered these issues from the perspective of both their impact on our company financially, and the expectations and needs of our stakeholders regarding environment and society. To promote these themes as the pillars of our materiality, we have set forth our goal for 2030, as well as established key metrics (materiality KPI) and target values under our Medium-term Management Plan (2023-2025), which we will work steadily to achieve (Fig. 2).

(Fig. 1) NRI Group’s Sustainability Strategy

(Fig. 2) Materiality KPI

  • *1   

    Cumulative values during the term of Medium-term Management Plan (2023-2025)

  • *2   

    Including Inter-segment revenue for each segment

  • *3   

    Ratio of employees who feel strong buy-in for the concepts of “value co-creation” and NRI’s “three social values”

  • *4   

    Percentage of women responsible for projects and businesses

  • *5   

    97% reduction of Scope 1+2 emissions and neutralization of residual emissions

  • *6   

    Including environment, human rights, etc.

  • *7   

    Consenters or holders of equivalent standards in NRI Group's procurement partner companies, such as system development contractors

Going forward, the NRI Group will continue to undertake these eight materiality issues and to create new value together with our various stakeholders, to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.

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Inquiries about this news release:

Sangi Tamaoka
Corporate Communications Department
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
