Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; Chairman, President & CEO Shingo Konomoto, “NRI”) became registered as a “Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (“TNFD” 1 ) Adopter by signing on to the recommendations by TNFD in December 2023. TNFD Adopter is a company or other organization that has expressed an intention to disclose information in accordance with the TNFD recommendations. As a result of this registration made, NRI was listed as a TNFD Early Adopter at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting that was held in Davos, Switzerland in January 2024.

In 2012, NRI established its Biodiversity Action Guidelines (renamed as the NRI Group's Biodiversity Policy 2 ), under which it has pursued efforts to preserve biodiversity and promote the sustainable use of biological resources. NRI also supports a nature-positive approach as outlined by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework 3 , a global biodiversity target. Having participated in the TNFD Forum in 2022, NRI has since worked to identify nature-related risks and opportunities with the aim of further enhancing initiatives for natural capital. Going forward, NRI will be compiling information on the recommendations in keeping with the TNFD framework, with a plan to disclose that information beginning in 2024.

The NRI Group will continue to contribute to the creation of a sustainable future society by working with various stakeholders to solve social issues, including natural capital and biodiversity issues, under our corporate philosophy of “Dream up the future.”

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    TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure): an international initiative conceived at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting (Davos) in January 2019 and launched in June 2021 by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), and the British environmental NGO Global Canopy. TNFD website (English)

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    To read the NRI Group’s Biodiversity Policy, visit the following URL.

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    To learn more about the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, visit the following URL.

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Corporate Communications Department
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.

Telephone: 03-5877-7100

Inquiries about this matter

Eiko Ibuki, Kenji Terada
Sustainability & Responsibility Department
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.