TOKYO, September 20, 2018 – Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI), a leading provider of consulting services and system solutions, announced today that it was selected for the first time as a component of the "World Index" (DJSI World), the global version of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) *1 ESG investment index on September 13, 2018. Furthermore, the Company was simultaneously selected for the DJSI's Asia-Pacific version of the index, DJSI Asia Pacific, for a third consecutive year.

In fiscal 2018, 317 of the top-ranking 2,500 companies in the world by market capitalization were selected for inclusion in DJSI World (34 of which are Japanese), with 11 selected for the field to which NRI belongs, "IT Services & Internet Software Services," (3 of which are Japanese). Meanwhile, 150 of the top-ranking 600 companies in the Asia-Pacific region by market capitalization were selected for DJSI Asia Pacific (27 of which are Japanese).

NRI received a high evaluation for its initiatives related to the economy, such as customer relationship management, IT security and IT system availability and materiality. *2 In regard to the environment, the Company's detailed disclosure of environmental information, such as its progress rate on environmental targets, received a high evaluation. As for its initiatives related to society, the Company also received a high evaluation primarily for its diversity (separate indicators were used for gender and rank) and the talent attraction and retention.

Under its philosophy, "Dream up the future," NRI will continue working to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society through its primary businesses, including consulting and IT solutions. These efforts are guided by the Company's sustainability management policy, which comprises Creating Shared Value (CSV) for increasing its economic value through the provision of solutions to society's issues, and four materiality issues. *2

  • * 1

    Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI): Component stocks are selected from companies that achieve outstanding sustainability based on an evaluation of their corporate economic, environmental, and social aspects using ESG share indicators jointly developed by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC of the U.S. and RobecoSAM AG of Switzerland.

  • * 2

    Materiality: Materiality is a priority issue to be addressed as part of corporate sustainability management. NRI has specified the following four materiality issues in its corporate sustainability management.

    • Creation of a future, low environmental impact society
    • Provision of opportunities for all kinds of professionals to take on challenges
    • Compliance with laws, regulations and risk management to increase trust from society
    • Provision of NRI quality to support safe and security information society

For Reference

■ NRI's External Assessment

NRI has been adopted in multiple global ESG investment indices and ratings systems, including DJSI World.

  • ESG investment indices and ratings


  • Dow Jones Sustainability World Index

    Selected as a component stock in 2018

  • Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index

    Selected as a component stock for three consecutive years since 2016

  • MSCI Global Sustainability Indexes

    Selected as a component stock for two consecutive years since 2016

  • FTSE4Good Developed Index

    Selected as a component stock for thirteen consecutive years since 2006

  • MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index

    Selected as a component stock for two consecutive years since 2017

  • MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN)

    Selected as a component stock for two consecutive years since 2017

  • FTSE Blossom Japan Index

    Selected as a component stock for two consecutive years since 2017

  • CDP

    Selected for the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI) in 2015

  • Science Based Targets (SBT)

    In 2018, the NRI Group's greenhouse gas emission reduction target was recognized by the Science Based Targets Initiative

■ NRI's sustainability-related initiatives


■Integrated Report: