As we enter 2020, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year from NRI Group.
Last year marked the start of NRI Group’s next medium-term management plan of our long-term management vision “Vision2022”, and we enjoyed steady progress toward our goals buoyed by a good business environment. NRI Group will also continue to work as one steadily toward achieving our goals in 2020.
Globally, innovation around cloud based solutions continues to progress rapidly. However, the reality is that the end-users – companies and businesses – are not yet fully equipped to utilize these new technologies to the fullest.
If management does not recognize that technology is essential to business model transformation, real modernization will not progress.
Management and technology are now truly moving forward as one. The NRI Group has market leading consulting and technology capabilities, and we are proud of our ability to leverage that strength to answer our customers’ diverse needs. In this generation of technology driven corporate transformation where the lives of all people in society must be bettered through digitalization, NRI Group strongly supports our customers’ innovation.
All across Japan you can feel a great energy building as the country prepares to hold the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 this year. We also look forward to the Japanese economy rebounding after the sense of stagnation brought about last year by global trade friction. Within all of this the steady speed of Japanese companies’ efforts at digital transformation remains paramount. In 2020 NRI will continue to pursue social value co-creation together with our customers, as we leap forward to realize even greater progress and value in our solutions and services.
Media Inquiries:
Waka Tanioka, Sangi Tamaoka
Corporate Communications Department, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
TEL: +81-3-5877-7100