TOKYO, November 18, 2020 – Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI), a leading provider of consulting services and system solutions, announced today that it was selected for the third consecutive year as a component of the “World Index” (DJSI World), the global version of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) ESG Investment Index on November 14, 2020. Furthermore, the Company was simultaneously selected for the DJSI’s Asia-Pacific version of the index, DJSI Asia Pacific, for a fifth consecutive year.

logo:Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

The DJSI is a stock price index jointly compiled by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC in the United States and RobecoSAM AG in Switzerland, a research company conducting research on SRI. It is used to assess the sustainability of the world's major companies from economic, environmental, and social perspectives.

In 2020, 323 of the top-ranking 2,500 companies in the world by market capitalization were selected for inclusion in DJSI World (39 of which are Japanese), with 19 selected in the field to which NRI belongs “IT Services & Internet Software Services” (4 of which are Japanese).

NRI received high marks for its economic initiatives such as the disclosure of tax strategy and structure of tax governance. Regarding the environment, DJSI also rated NRI highly for being selected for the CDP *1 ’s highest rating, the Climate Change ‘A List’. On social initiatives, NRI also received a high evaluation primarily for its wide range of initiatives for human resource development and receiving third-party external assurance of social reporting.

NRI Group Medium-Term Management Plan (2019-2022) calls for “Solving social issues through value co-creation,” with which the Company has committed to “Co-create a thriving future society by driving new value,” “Co-create an ideal society by effectively utilizing its resources,” and “Co-create a safe and secure society by advancing its infrastructure” through its business activities. Based on this plan, NRI will aim to link its business opportunities to both the attainment of a sustainable society and the enhancement of sustainable corporate values.

  • *1   

    The CDP is a non-profit organization whose main activity is to request information disclosure on environmental issues such as climate variability measures, water resource protection, and forest conservation, and to promote such measures through it. In 2019, more than 525 institutional investors representing more than 96 trillion U.S. dollars in managed assets and 125 purchasing companies with purchasing power of US $ 3.6 trillion supported CDP activities, and over 8,400 companies that represent over 50% of world capitalization and 920 local governments have disclosed information on measures against environmental problems through CDP. CDP is now one of the world's most useful information disclosure platforms on environmental issues. CDP website:


For Reference

■NRI’s sustainability-related initiatives

■NRI’s external evaluations

NRI has been selected for several global ESG investment indexes and ratings including DJSI World.

ESG Investment Index or Rating Description
Dow Jones Sustainability World Index Selected for the 3rd consecutive year since 2018
Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index Selected for the 5th consecutive year since 2016
MSCI ACWI ESG Leaders Index Selected for the 5th consecutive year since 2016
FTSE4Good Developed Index Selected for the 15th consecutive year since 2006
MCSI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index Selected for the 4th consecutive year since 2017
MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) Selected for the 4th consecutive year since 2017
FTSE Blossom Japan Index Selected for the 4th consecutive year since 2017
S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index Selected for the 2nd consecutive year since 2018
Sompo Sustainability Index Selected for the 9th consecutive year since 2012
CDP Selected for the CDP’s highest rating, the Climate Change ‘A List’ in 2019.
Science Based Targets (SBT) The NRI Group’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction target recognized by the SBT Initiative in 2018
RE100 The NRI Group joined the RE100 in 2019, committing to use 100% renewable energy by 2050


Inquiries about this press release:

Waka Tanioka, Sangi Tamaoka
Corporate Communications Department
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
Tel: +81-3-5877-7100

Inquiries about index selection result:

Kenji Honda, Yukari Ishiguro
Sustainability & Responsibility Group
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.