Nomura Research Institute Ltd. (“NRI”), began construction on the second data center building (“Data Center Building 2”) at its Osaka Data Center II in November 2021, with plans to open the facility in February 2023.

The business plan for the construction was certified as an adaptive business plan under Japan’s Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness as a capital expenditure whose energy consumption profile will reduce environmental load while adding value to clients and society.

Overview & Features of Data Center Building 2

NRI opened Osaka Data Center II in April 2016 as its main Data Center for the Kansai Region, and the Data Center Building 2 construction is a calculated increase in capacity in response to ongoing growth in digital transformation (DX) and the cloud services business space.
Data Center Building 2 features the latest disaster and fault tolerance in addition to high level security in line with the standards of the existing Data Center Building 1. Furthermore, operation of the power substation of Data Center Building 2 is conducted in tandem with Data Center Building 1. Combined, the facility achieves low-energy consumption and reduced CO2 emissions with many high-spec environmental technologies including NRI’s patented “Double-Deck Cooling System” and free cooling (making cold water using cool air during winter and cooler seasons without relying on an external cooling unit) .

Overview of the Adaptive Business Plan for Data Center Building 2

Reduced Environmental Load Goal 1 : Increase Osaka Data Center II’s total carbon efficiency 2 by 11.2% over March Period 2022 by the same period 2025.

Osaka Data Center II Example of Adopted Environmental Technologies

Data Centers are one type of social infrastructure. NRI is enhancing its Data Center offerings with construction and operation of Data Center Building 2, as it continues to move to a carbon neutral business to realize a carbon free society.

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    In the January 26, 2022 News Release “NRI Promotes Efforts for Carbon Neutral Data Centers”, NRI notes that reduced environmental load goal was developed and certified based on using electricity from non-renewable sources.

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    Carbon Efficiency:Added Value (operating profit + labor cost + depreciation) ÷ CO2 emitted from energy source

Media Inquiries:

Sangi Tamaoka, Kayano Umezawa
Corporate Communications Department
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI)
TEL: +81-3-5877-7100