Portraits ofYoshihito Sato


He joined NRI in 2010 after graduating from the School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda University, with a degree in Industrial and Management Systems Engineering. He completed his Master of Business Administration at the University of Cambridge, UK, in 2017.
Since joining the company, he has been primarily engaged in consulting and implementation support related to policy and institutional planning, business strategy formulation, and new business development in the energy and decarbonization sectors. In particular, he has been involved in many projects related to distributed energy systems (VPP/DR, etc.) and green transformation (emissions trading/carbon credits, etc.).

Specialized field

Major project results

  • Green Transformation League Management Project (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
  • Assistance in developing strategies to utilize carbon credits (Private Company)
  • Support for the utilization and promotion of distributed energy resources (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy)
  • Support for establishment of energy resource aggregation business (Private Company)





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