More and more energy and infrastructure companies are looking for new opportunities particularly in ASEAN and the Americas. In these markets, the localization of people and management are keys to building and sustaining growth, and this globalization exists on a shorter timeline.

NRI provides support for organizations in this new harsh environment, providing unique solutions ranging from management reform for public sector organizations to global strategy development for private sector businesses.

Consulting Areas

Global strategies for heavy electric machinery and trading companies

Investment opportunities for infrastructure projects, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC), and energy and resource development, are rapidly expanding as competition increases. In order to move forward as global players, companies are required to concurrently promote strategies for expansion of business scales, micro-level risk management, and reform of global human resources.

These strategies are executed while evolving business models from manufacturing to EPC, and from EPC to investment or after-sales services. In cooperation with locations in China, ASEAN, India, Russia, and the Americas, NRI supports managing portfolios of market entry strategies and business investment, as well as planning and creating global management systems in order to achieve global strategies, from conception to implementation.

Policy planning support for energy, environment, resources, and recycling

Regulations have a strong impact on the formation of energy markets, particularly on a company’s competitiveness. Energy regulations are consistently being updated, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty. To address this uncertainty, companies are required to adjust their decisions in line with the latest conditions and to address issues in cooperation with the public sector.

While liaising between public and private sectors, NRI supports the development of policies and business strategies, the execution of systems and measures, and the realization of plans with a precise view to future trends and changing societies and markets.

Projects NRI is Involved in the Environment and Energy Fields

  • Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry: Administrative Office (PMO) for the Rare Earth R&D Assistant Project
  • Agency for Natural Resources and Energy: Study on the Top Runner Program for Building Materials Providers
  • Agency for Natural Resources and Energy: Development of Guidelines for Incentive Demand Response (DR)
  • NEDO: Feasibility Study on the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM)