
We provide comprehensive support in developing a vision and strategy for creating successful client journeys and co-creating value through DX.

Cost (C), and Delivery (D) have long been the pillars of product value based on manufacturing. However, with the rise in technological capabilities among new entrants, maximizing customer success experiences is becoming a new axis of competition moving forward. To create successful customer experiences, it is essential to implement transformations at various layers of management, business, and digital transformation (DX), including revisiting visions and strategies, expanding business functions, and leveraging DX initiatives. NRI brings extensive experience in facilitating these transformations through consulting projects and joint venture operations, effectively enabling value co-creation. Our practical support is tailored to help clients navigate these changes and achieve their goals in this evolving landscape, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and competitive advantage.



  • Portraits of Takashige Saitou
    Author Information
    Takashige Saitou
    Organization names and Job titles
    Global Manufacturing Industry Consulting Department, Consulting Division