This is a network system for mutual fund sales that handles many-to-many connections between mutual fund management companies and distributors (i.e., asset managers, banks and securities companies).

*For your business in Japan.


FundWeb Transfer is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) messaging hub that enables electronic communication between distributors and investment companies. This allows the users to exchange trading data for mutual funds such as subsequent subscriptions and redemptions, net asset values (NAVs), capital gain distributions and commissions.


Asset management firms, banks, broker dealers, life insurance companies, non-life insurance companies , More than 320 firms


1. A network infrastructure to facilitate mutual fund sales

FundWeb Transfer is currently used by more than 90 investment companies and 230 distributors (i.e., banks, securities companies and life/non-life insurance companies).

The system provides investment companies easy access to exchange trading data with more than 230 distributors using FundWeb Transfer, thus helping the investment companies to expand the client base for their mutual fund products.

Likewise, distributors can easily exchange trading data with more than 90 investment companies using FundWeb Transfer, which enables the distributors to increase their line-up of mutual funds to cater for the needs of beneficiaries.

2. A solution easy to implement

FundWeb Transfer is a web-based SaaS solution offering system functions operated and managed at data centers. Since this is web-based, there is no need for clients to back up data or update the version of software/systems, thus minimizing the burden of system administration. In addition, FundWeb Transfer only requires office PCs with Microsoft Windows instead of special terminal devices.

3. Effectively streamlining back-office operations

By connecting trading information online between investment companies and distributors, FundWeb Transfer makes their communication quicker, easier and more convenient with better accuracy. This also prevents operational accidents by monitoring subscriptions on a date on which non-acceptance of subscription is set for each mutual fund and checking inadequate trading data.

By leveraging FundWeb Transfer, the users can carry out their back-office operations efficiently and accurately even if the number of trading funds increases.

4. Adoption of STP with other financial IT solutions

By using FundWeb Transfer, the users can gain additional straight-through processing (STP) by connecting with NRI's BESTWAY/JJ (a mutual fund account management system), STAR-IV (a comprehensive back-office system for securities companies), T-STAR/TX (a back-office solution for asset managers and trust banks) and other solutions, thus reducing their manual operations and increasing the accuracy of data.

5. Messaging in undefined formats (FundWeb Message)

Not only transferring trading data, FundWeb Transfer also enables electronic data communication between investment companies and distributors in undefined formats by sending messages and attached files.


Notification for mutual fund transactions

The users can communicate the following information for mutual fund transactions.

  • Subsequent subscriptions and redemptions
  • Notification of initial public offerings and subsequent subscription/redemption calculations

Notification function for unit price information

The users can communicate the information on daily mutual fund trading such as NAVs, dividends at the time of closing, and redemption prices.

Notification for mutual fund management

The users can communicate the following information on dividends, redemption proceeds and commissions.

  • Outstanding balance of unpaid commissions (monthly)
  • Commissions payable (at the time of closing)
  • Dividends (at the time of closing)
  • Trust money payable
  • Records of the outstanding balance of unpaid proceeds and redemption proceeds

Notification of fund holidays

The users can communicate the following information regarding the dates on which subscriptions for mutual funds are not accepted. A warning message will be displayed on these non-acceptance dates.

  • Subscription non-acceptance dates (on which subscriptions are not accepted due to the holidays of overseas markets, etc.)
  • Trading suspension dates (on which subscriptions are not accepted due to reasons of funds)

Seamless connectivity with BESTWAY/JJ, STAR-IV and T-STAR/TX

The users can gain additional straight-through processing (STP) by connecting with the following financial IT solutions, which enables seamless communication of mutual fund data including unit prices. By combining the functions of these solutions, it is possible to reduce manual operations and increase the accuracy of data.

  • STP with BESTWAY/JJ (a mutual fund account management system)
  • STP with STAR-IV (a comprehensive back-office system for securities companies)
  • STP with T-STAR/TX (a back-office solution for asset managers and trust banks)

Attributes management

FundWeb Transfer provides the following attributes managements.

  • Fund attributes management
  • Traded fund attributes management
  • Company attributes management

ID management function

FundWeb Transfer offers flexible functional restriction settings for each user ID conforming to the user's IT control policy. It also allows the users to review operation logs of activities on the system.

Messaging in undefined formats (FundWeb Message)

FundWeb Transfer enables business communication by sending text form messages and attached files in various formats.
It has the following specific features compared to emails and other communication tools.

  • The system enables information sharing between companies, thus alteration and management of contact persons (due to such reason as their transfer to another office) are not necessary.
  • Multifaceted monitoring is possible by separating the processes/persons in charge of message creation from those of message approval
  • The scope of message communication is limited to companies designated by the users, thus minimizing the risk of information leaks.

*FundWeb is a registered trademark of Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. in Japan.
*Unauthorized reproduction or copying of any of the contents of this page is prohibited.
*The contents of this page are current as of April 2024. The specifications and prices of products and services are subject to change without notice. Offers and sales of these products and services are subject to cancellation without notice.