This is a network system for foreign domiciled funds sales that handles many-to-many connections between mutual fund management companies and distributors (i.e., asset managers, banks and securities companies).

*For your business in Japan.


FundWeb GAITO is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) messaging hub that enables electronic communication between distributors and investment companies. This allows the users to exchange trading data for mutual funds such as subsequent subscriptions and redemptions, net asset values (NAVs), capital gain distributions.

FundWeb Transfer, NRI's solution for mutual funds in Japan, has been expanded to include foreign-domiciled mutual funds. It handles data on items of business in such funds, including subsequent subscriptions and partial redemptions, net asset value (NAV), and capital gain distributions.


Asset management firms, banks, broker dealers, transfer agents outside of Japan


1. Operability in accordance with domestic mutual fund functions

Clients can utilize routine business data for items related to foreign-domiciled mutual funds with the same operability as in the FundWeb Transfer functions for domestic (Japanese) mutual funds. These items include communication for subsequent subscriptions and partial redemptions, confirmation, NAV, daily interest, capital gain distributions and commissions, and principal balance. It should also be noted that this service is separate from that of domestic mutual fund functions. As such, utilization of separate authority management functions enables control of access to menus in units of user groups (domestic/foreign etc.).

2. Seamless connection with existing NRI solutions

By utilizing the function for file connection with STAR-IV (account management system) or automatic connection to STAR-IV(straight-through processing) , foreign-domiciled mutual fund distributors are free from the risk of mistaken manual input for items such as NAV and daily interest.
We intend to further strengthen the linkage with other NRI solutions and heighten convenience in the future by steps such as connection with BESTWAY.

3. Help desk for business hours in Japan

Because NRI's help desk has set up support desks for Japanese business hours,there is no need for clients to bear in mind the time difference with overseas transfer agents. The help desk also handles inquiries in Japanese.

* Mainly inquiries concerning the system

4. Robust business continuity plan with redundant environment

The system and operation has a redundant environment, with servers at data centers in two cities: Yokohama and Osaka. This makes it possible to provide services on a steady basis even in the event of disasters affecting a wide area.


Notification for foreign-domiciled mutual fund transactions

The service provides subscription and redemption information

Delivers unit price information

Clients can receive the day-to-day NAV of foreign-domiciled mutual funds and the unit distribution at the time of settlement (payment).

Fund holiday calendar management

This function will notify holidays for foreign domiciled funds transactions.

Connection with STAR-IV (a comprehensive securities back-office system)

This solution can be seamlessly integrated with STAR-IV (our comprehensive back-office system for securities companies), NRI's financial IT solution. This enables efficient communication for foreign-domiciled mutual fund transactions and promotes operational efficiency and optimizes accuracy.

Attribution management

The service enables the following types of attribution management.

  • Fund attribution management
  • Company attribution management

ID management function

With this function, clients can control user access flexibly with the client's arrangements for IT control. The function also offers user logs.

*GAITO are registered trademarks of Nomura Research Institute,Ltd. in Japan.
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*The contents of this page are current as of April 2024. The specifications and prices of products and services are subject to change without notice. Offers and sales of these products and services are subject to cancellation without notice.