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HOME Solutions & Services Digital Transformation


Digital Transformation

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DX1.0 and DX2.0

NRI defines digital transformation efforts in two ways.

  • Digital transformation 1.0 (DX1.0): digital transformation that reforms the operational processes of an existing business.
  • Digital transformation 2.0 (DX2.0): digital transformation that creates a brand-new business model using digital technology.

Digital Transformation PMO

NRI supports companies setting priorities through the digital transformation project management office by:

  • Setting KPIs for PoC studies
  • Measuring conditions before and after implementation
  • Using analytics to develop learning models using KPI data
  • Procurement
  • Establish reform in day-to-day operations

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Deployment Support

RPA is one of the digital tools that is rapidly becoming more popular across industries. Its deployment requires a shorter implementation time and fewer costs than an IT system, and offers tools that people without programming experience can use. We help clients with selecting applicable operations, building a structure for development and maintenance, and creating skills.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Deployment Support

AI deployment often faces a long road to success with challenges to build a development structure and secure a budget for multiple years.
NRI assists clients confirm a corporate vision that includes the value of AI across the enterprise value chain while deploying AI to solve existing operational problems.

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For more information please contact us.

Representative Department: Consulting Division