The solution provides you with everything you need to trade equities in an ever-changing complex Japanese market.
The solution can increase the profitability of your business by meeting a wide range of complex needs of buy side firms, while it reduces IT and operation costs and responds to ever changing regulations. The solution provides all the functions needed for high and low touch trading in the format you wish.
Work Flow
Broker Dealers
- Seamlessly connects to I-STAR solution which is adopted by majority of broker dealers in Japan
- Supports various methods to receive orders including FIX and ECN
- Supports various methods to place orders to minimize the impact to the market
- Allows you to check orders flexibly depending on compliance requirements
- Automates post-trade processing
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*The contents of this page are current as of April 2024. The
specifications and prices of products and services are subject to
change without notice. Offers and sales of these products and services
are subject to cancellation without notice.