The TriMaster/DCPort is a defined contribution pension plan business package for asset management firms, based on NRI's TriMaster/SmartPort.

*For your business in Japan.


The TriMaster/DCPort combines the management of format and code conversion of a variety of electronic data from record keepers and product sponsoring agencies, order placement/results and forecasted/actual performance reviews, the connection to internal back-office systems, and the processing of replies to each agency.


Leading banks, trust banks, asset management firms and brokerage firms


1. Reduce complexity in systems

Many types of notifications circulate between corporations, employees, product sponsoring agencies and asset management firms, operational management agencies and record keepers (record-related operational management agencies), creating a large volume and diversity of data that needs to be processed. To complicate matters, the data comes in various formats, requiring a system that can absorb the differences in order to connect to an internal back-office system.
The TriMaster/DCPort creates the connective data necessary for external agencies and internal systems to effectively manage the process.

2. Effectively supports defined contribution pension plan business

TriMaster/DCPort provides real-time reception, processing, access and management of data for contribution, execution, dividends, benefits, etc.

3. Supports various record keepers

The offering is compatible with Japan's major record keeping firms (JIS&T, NRK, SJDC, BFS) and allows users to merge operational processing flows, data flows and data types that are standard to each record keeper.
TriMaster/DCPort responds quickly to regulatory changes.



  1. Data sending and receiving
  2. Data check
  3. Data format conversion
  4. Matching
  5. Browsing data status via internet browser
  6. Function to manage master data, such as security attribution
  7. Export to Excel from DCPort
  8. Reporting


  1. Monthly contribution payment plans, transfer request/contribution payment records, withdrawal records
  2. Investment orders, order placements/executions and order acceptance notification/transaction reports, matching requests
  3. Maturity dates, redemptions, allocation/continuity data
  4. Benefits, refunds, returns
  5. Balance information
  6. Market value information
  7. Interest rate information
  8. Asset transfers
  9. Basic numerical information


For system requirements, please contact NRI.

* TriMaster/DCPort is a registered trademark of Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. in Japan.
*Unauthorized reproduction or copying of any of the contents of these documents is prohibited.
*The contents of this page are current as of April 2024. The specifications and prices of products and services are subject to change without notice. Offers and sales of these products and services are subject to cancellation without notice.