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HOME Personal Data Protection Statement

Personal Data Protection Statement

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Established: April 1, 2002
Revised: July 1, 2021
Kaga Yanagisawa
President & CEO, Representative Director, Member of the Board
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.

Through the four businesses of Consulting, Financial IT Solutions, Industrial IT Solutions, and IT Infrastructure Services, NRI supports the creation of social mechanisms, our customers’ businesses, and people’s daily lives.
In the context of these corporate activities, NRI handles a massive amount of personal data in a variety of settings. As such, we recognize that we have an important social responsibility to securely manage this data, and we consider the protection of personal data to be one of our top business priorities.
In order for NRI to reliably implement measures for the protection of personal data, we will establish a personal data protection management system, and we hereby stipulate the following personal data protection statement, and our officers and employees shall endeavor to appropriately protect personal data in accordance herewith.

Protecting Your Privacy 11820047(09)
  • We shall collect personal data using lawful and fair means. Collected personal data shall only be used within the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use, and measures shall be taken to prevent personal data from being used for any other purposes.
  • We shall appropriately manage collected personal data, and unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations etc., we shall not provide or disclose personal data to any third parties without the consent of the person concerned.
  • We shall observe designated internal rules for the collection, usage and provision of appropriate personal data in accordance to the content and scale of each service.
  • We shall develop and utilize measures to prevent illegal access to personal data, including measures to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration and/or leakage of personal data in the possession of NRI. Furthermore, in the event the tampering of said data should occur, corrective measures shall be promptly implemented.
  • We shall observe all laws, ordinances and standards concerning personal data.
  • We shall continually improve systems utilized for personal data management.


Corporate Communications Department
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.

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