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HOME Sustainability Contribute to global environment Biodiversity action agenda

Contribute to global environment

The NRI Group’s Biodiversity Policy

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Kaga Yanagisawa
President & CEO, Member of the Board, Representative Director
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.

Based on a recognition that the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of bioresources are essential to business activities, the NRI Group agrees with the nature-positive ideas of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, a global target for biodiversity.
As a company that provides consulting and IT solution services, we strive to utilize our creativity and technical expertise to promote the following efforts toward achieving a sustainable future that is ecologically friendly.

1. Understanding our relationship to biodiversity

To understand our relationship to biodiversity, strive to understand how all of the group's business activities depend on and impact biodiversity.

2. Ongoing activities

Strive to continuously mitigate, prevent and avoid negative impacts on biodiversity by raising each employee‘s awareness and conducting our business activities by taking biodiversity into account. In addition, as a member of a sustainable society, continuously engage in social contribution activities.

3. Implementation structure and approach

Establish an implementation structure and give priority to measures that have a high impact and effectiveness based on business and long-term point of view.
We maintain a promotion system and implement priority measures that will have a large impact and be highly effective, based on our business and a long-term perspective. We also actively disclose information based on the results of 1 and 2.

4. Contribution by leveraging business characteristics

When developing and operating data centers etc., consider issues such as the protection of ecosystems. Seeking to contribute to the creation of a sustainable future society together with our clients by providing consulting and IT solutions.

5. Expanding the scope of collaborative activities and initiatives

Strive to maintain a regional focus and extensive global awareness, and use NRI's extensive knowledge and means when collaborating with various stakeholders.

Revised on July 1, 2023

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