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HOME Sustainability Contribute to global environment Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets

Contribute to global environment

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets

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The NRI Group recognizes that addressing global environmental issues, including climate change and environmental pollution, is a common global issue, and as a company that provides consulting and IT solution services, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable future society.

NRI Group Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets and Plans

The NRI Group has positioned "contribution to the global environment through collaboration with business partners" as one of its materialities, and is promoting initiatives to contribute to the creation of a sustainable global environment while giving due consideration to natural capital.
In February 2023, the NRI Group raised the level of its Scope 1+2 emissions reduction target by FY2030 and set a new target of net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the entire NRI Group value chain by FY2050. In February 2024, NRI obtained certification of the SBT Initiative's net-zero target as a target that meets the SBT Initiative's "net-zero standard”.

Classification FY2030 Target FY2050 Target
Scope1+2 Reduce Scope1+2 emissions by 97% compared to FY2019 and neutralize residual emissions ※1※2 Achieve net-zero emissions throughout the value chain
  • Reduce Scope1+2+3 emissions by 92% compared to FY 2019 and neutralize residual emissions ※1 ※2
  • Scope 1+2: 97% or more reduction + neutralization
    Scope 3: 90% reduction + neutralization
100% renewable energy usage by the NRI Group
Scope3 Reduce NRI Group’s Greenhouse gas emissions by 30% compared to FY2019
  • ※1  

    Residual emissions: Emissions that cannot be reduced within the Group's value chain as of the target year

  • ※2  

    Neutralization: Offsetting residual emissions by utilizing carbon removal technologies outside the value chain.

The NRI Group has formulated the "Low Carbon Transition Plan" to achieve the above goals. We will continue to promote the advancement of renewable energy procurement and optimization of energy consumption at our data centers and other locations, as well as collaboration with our business partners to reduce Scope3 emissions.

(Total investment and expenses for FY2024-2030)

For more information on specific initiatives for transition, please click here.

Progress toward Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets


  • Annual reduction target


Actual greenhouse gas emissions in FY2023


  • *1 

    Greenhouse gas emissions are rounded down to the second decimal place, so the sum is not always the total.

  • *2 

    The composition ratios are rounded to the second decimal place, so the sum is not always 100%.

Category Accounting methods
Category 1: Purchased goods and services Business consign expenses, machinery expenses × emission factor
Category 2: Capital goods Buildings, machinery and equipment, furniture and fixtures, lease assets × emissions factor
Category 3: Fuel and energy related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2 Energy emission use (Electricity, Cooling, Steam) × emissions factor
Category 4: Transportation and delivery (upstream) Not accounted for due to minor importance
Category 5: Waste generated in operations Not accounted for due to minor importance
Category 6: Business travel (NRI) Business travel expenses × emission factor
(consolidated subsidiaries) No. of personnel at the end of the year × emission factor
Category 7: Employee commuting (NRI) Commuting expenses × emission factor
(consolidated subsidiaries) No. of personnel at the end of the year × emission factor
Category 8: Leased assets (upstream) N/A
Category 9: Transportation and delivery (downstream) Not accounted for due to minor importance
Category 10: Processing of sold products N/A
Category 11: Use of sold products Actual sales units × annual electricity use per unit × expected useful life × emission factor (annual electricity use per unit and expected useful life are based on the normal scenario that NRI made.)
Category 12: End-of-life treatment of sold products Actual sales units × waste weight per unit × emission factor (waste weight per unit is based on the normal scenario that NRI made.)
Category 13: Leased assets (downstream) Not accounted for due to minor importance
Category 14: Franchises N/A
Category 15: Investments N/A

Greenhouse gas emissions per net sales

Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
gas emissions
t-CO2 60,739 55,391 30,113 20,801 8,253
Gas Emissions
per Net Sales
of Yen
0.11 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.01
  • Greenhouse gas emissions per net sales are rounded down to the third decimal place.

  • Note: 
    • 1. 

      Figures shown have been rounded down to the nearest unit indicated. Ratios, however, have been rounded off to the decimal place indicated.

    • 2. 

      Past figures are shown as figures for which impacts due to important acquisitions, etc. have been recalculated according to "The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard - Chapter 5. Tracking Emissions Over Time".

Scope of Data Collection and Method of Calculation for Key Sustainability Performance Indicators (in Japanese)

(Updated in June 24, 2024)

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