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HOME Sustainability Materiality

Sustainability management


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Identification of materiality

We identified NRI’s materiality (key issues) from a management perspective and the perspective of external stakeholders by referring to international standards and guidelines, requirements from ESG evaluation organizations, consistency with corporate philosophy and growth strategy, and opinions of outside directors and experts.
In formulating our long-term management vision "NRI Group Vision 2030" (V2030), we have reidentified our materiality based on expectations and requests from our stakeholders (impact on the environment and society) and concepts such as double-materiality, in addition to the financial impact on the NRI Group.
When identifying the materiality issues, we debate with external directors and experts and hold management discussions (STEP 3 in the figure below). In March 2023, we made a decision on materiality as part of our Basic Sustainability Policy (STEP 5 in the figure below). 
In light of changes in the NRI Group's business and social environment, we have assessed the impact on the NRI Group's business and finances and identified risks and opportunities related to sustainability. Based on these results, the Sustainability Committee considers the need to review our materiality analysis on an annual basis.

1. Identification process of materiality

2. Materiality

●Value Creation

Creating a sustainable future society

●Value Creation Capital

Human and intellectual capital are the source of value creation

●Management Basis (ESG)

Extending ESG to the supply chain

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