NRI is committed to gaining the trust of shareholders and investors through constructive dialogue, and to receiving an appropriate evaluation from capital markets. For these reasons, taking fair disclosure as our fundamental policy, we are working to promote understanding of both our business and our medium- to long-term strategies for growth, and to expand our shareholder and investor base.
Measures Aimed at Ensuring a Meaningful General Meeting of Shareholders
To energize the General Meeting of Shareholders and ensure that voting rights are exercised, we perform the following procedures:
- Set the date of the General Meeting of Shareholders on a day that such meetings are not concentrated. In addition to sending out individual notices of convocation of a General Meeting of Shareholders earlier, we post the notice on the NRI and Tokyo Stock Exchange websites prior to sending the individual notices. This effort allows shareholders to have sufficient time to consider the proposed resolutions for the meeting
- The 59th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders: Notice released on May 24—Meeting held on June 21 (Notice about one month before)
- Send out a notice of convocation of a General Meeting of Shareholders electronically to shareholders consenting to such procedure
- Deliver a notice of convocation of a General Meeting of Shareholders in English (summary)
- Provide an opportunity to exercise voting rights by using the Internet system run by a trust bank (a shareholder register administrator)
- Provide an opportunity to exercise voting rights by using the Voting Rights Electronic Exercise Platform, run by ICJ, Inc.
- Hold a Management Reporting Session for shareholders after the conclusion of the General Meeting of Shareholders
Active Dialogues with Shareholders and Investors
With the aim of expanding our shareholder and investor base, we are promoting a better understanding of our business activities and strategies for growth through direct and indirect communication.
Main Activities in the FY2023
Institutional investors and analysts |
Individual investors |
Providing Appropriate Information Disclosure
In order to achieve accountability to shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders, NRI is striving to enhance the level of information disclosure and the timely disclosure of information through activities including those below:
- Disclosed the long-term management vision and the Medium-Term Management Plan (mid and long-term management strategy and financial targets, etc.)
- Established the Disclosure Committee, which checks the preparing process for, and appropriateness of, disclosed materials
- Published our financial results and latest information promptly under the Investor Relations section on our website
- Provided a dedicated website for individual investors to enhance information disclosure and understandability and clarity
- Same day disclosure in English and Japanese (Consolidated Financial Results, Financial Results Outline, News Release)