Tokyo, February 4, 2020 – Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI), a leading provider of consulting services and system solutions, was selected by the international non-profit organization CDP*1 for this year’s CDP ‘A List’ (CDP 2019) on January 20, 2020, recognizing NRI’s efforts to combat climate change. The ‘A List’ is CDP’s highest rating, and this year marks the first time NRI has made the ‘A List’. NRI was recognized for its global leadership on strategy, action and disclosure concerning climate change.

logo:CDP 2019

About the CDP 2019 A List

The survey of climate change by CDP covers more than 8,400 companies with the highest market capitalization in the world, and a score of A through D- is published based on an assessment of companies’ efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and efforts to alleviate climate change. Companies with particularly excellent strategies and actions to address climate change are chosen for the CDP A List. In CDP 2019, 179 companies accounting for the top two percent made the A List, and 38 Japanese companies including NRI were selected.

NRI’s efforts to address climate change and the background to recognition

NRI’s target of a “55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 as compared to 2013” *2 established in February 2018 received recognition under the Science Based Targets (SBT)*3 Initiative, which is an international environmental initiative, and NRI joined RE100*4 in February 2019, setting forth the ambitious goal of “having renewable electricity comprise all of the electric power used in its business activities and seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its business activities to near zero by fiscal 2050.”
In accordance with these powerful statements aimed at contributing to a carbon-free society, NRI has continually promoted activities intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through efforts such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by society as a whole by expanding the shared online service business, the migration of systems to new data centers with high environmental performance and relocation of the head office and other key offices to office buildings with high environmental performance, and has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 38% in fiscal 2018 (compared to fiscal 2013). Furthermore, considering its impact on climate change as a business operator with data centers consuming enormous amounts of energy, NRI was quick to support the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) *5, and has proceeded to follow these and published the details considered.
NRI believes that it was chosen for the ‘A List’ due to recognition of the internationally high level of these efforts to address climate change and disclosure thereof.

The NRI Group will work with a variety of stakeholders to create new value and address social issues including climate change under the corporate philosophy of “Dream up the future” in an effort to contribute to the creation of a sustainable future society.

  • ※1  

    CDP: CDP is a global non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. Voted number one climate research provider by investors and working with institutional investors with assets of US$96 trillion, we leverage investor and buyer power to motivate companies to disclose and manage their environmental impacts. Over 8,400 companies with over 50% of global market capitalization disclosed environmental data through CDP in 2019. This is in addition to the over 920 cities, states and regions who disclosed, making CDP’s platform one of the richest sources of information globally on how companies and governments are driving environmental change.

    The full list of companies that made this year’s CDP Climate Change A List is available here, along with other publicly available company scores:

  • ※2  

    Environmental target established by NRI in February 2018 “55% Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2030 as Compared to 2013”:
    NRI News Release:

  • ※3  

    Science Based Targets (SBT): Science-based targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by companies in order to keep global temperature increases under 2∘C compared to preindustrial temperatures. Companies are recognized by the SBT Initiative which maintains these targets to promote action on climate change. The initiative was established by four organizations: the CDP which is a federation of institutional investors that promotes disclosure of measures to counteract climate-change, the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). NRI’s environmental targets were certified by the SBT Initiative in September 2018. NRI is the 132nd company to receive certification globally, and the 29th in Japan.

    SBT Initiative website:
    NRI News Release:

  • ※4  

    RE100: A global leadership initiative led by the international NGO the Climate Group in partnership with the CDP. Companies that join the initiative declare and publish goals specifying that 100% of the energy consumed for their business operations will be renewable by 2050. In February 2019, NRI joined RE100, declaring that it aims to have renewable electricity comprise all of the electric power used in its business and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its business activities to close to zero by fiscal 2050. NRI is the 165th company to join RE100, and the 17th from Japan.

    The RE100 website:
    NRI News Release:

  • ※5  

    TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures): A task force on climate-related financial disclosures led by the private sector established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in response to a request by G20 (a forum of financial and global economic leaders). TCFD published its final report containing recommendations in June 2017, and recommends disclosure of governance, strategies, risk management and indicators/targets related to climate change to companies, etc. More than 200 companies and organizations supported the final recommendations of TCFD as of December 2019, and NRI announced its support in July 2018.
    The TCFD website:

For Reference

■NRI’s sustainability-related initiatives

Contact Us

Inquiries about this press release:

Waka Tanioka, Sangi Tamaoka
Corporate Communications Department Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.


Inquiries about index selection result:

Kenji Honda, Shigeru Fujisawa
Sustainability & Responsibility Group
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
