
Date: January 29, 2024
Type of Event: NRI's meeting room and Zoom webinar
Contents: 1. NRI Group Sustainability Activities
  Takeshi Hihara, Senior Corporate Managing Director
2. Trends in Sustainability
  Eiko Ibuki, General Manager of Sustainability & Responsibility Department
3. NRI Group's initiatives for Sustainabe Procurement
  Taito Suzuki, Manager of Operation & Procurement Department
4. Initiatives of the NRI Net-Zero Journey (Panel session with business partners)
  Haruka Ito, Senior Associate of Sustainability & Responsibility Department

(Affiliation and position as of January 2024)


Date: January 27, 2023
Type of Event: Zoom webiner
Contents: 1. ESG Trends and NRI Group Sustainability Activities (in Japanese)
  Takeshi Hihara, Senior managing Director
2. Sustainability Initiatives in the NRI Group's Supply Chain
  Tatsuya Ito, Manager of Purchasing & Procurement Department
3. NRI Net-Zero Journey
  Tomoko Takahashi, Senior Associate of Sustainability & Responsibility Group
4. Business and Human Rights
  Sato Noriko, Leader of Human Rights Team, Sustainability Activities Committee
5. Introduction of Initiatives by Participating Companies

(Affiliation and position as of January 2023)


Date: January 18, 2022
Type of Event: Zoom webiner
Contents: 1. ESG Trends and NRI's Sustainability Management (In Japanese)
  Takeshi Hihara, Senior managing Director
2. Request for cooperation regarding the NRI Group's environmental targets (In Japanese)
  Kenji Honda, Manager of Sustainability & Responsibility Group
3. Explanation of SBT target setting (In Japanese)
  Wataru Kawamura, Senior Manager of CDP Worldwide Japan
4. Business and Human Rights (In Japanese)
  Noriko Sato, Group Manager of Consulting Human Resources
  & Knowledge Development Department
5. Gratitude for your consent to the NRI Business Partner Code of Conduct and request for cooperation in assessment (In Japanese)
  Tatsuya Ito, Manager of Purchasing & Procurement Department

(Affiliation and position as of January 2022)


Date: January 21 (Thu), 2021
Type of Event: Zoom webiner
Contents: Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
1. Sustainability management in the NRI Group (In Japanese)
  Kenji Yokoyama, Senior Corporate Managing Director
2. Request for cooperation regarding NRI Group's environmental targets (In Japanese)
  Kenji Hoda, Manager of Sustainability & Responsibility Group
3. NRI Group procurement policy and NRI Group business partner code of conduct (In Japanese)
  Tatsuya Ito, Manager of Procurement Department

(Affiliation and position as of January 2021)
