Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI), a leading provider of consulting services and system solutions, was recognized on February 10, 2022 in the Supplier Engagement Leaderboard. This is the highest rating assigned to companies in the 2021 Supplier Engagement Ratings by CDP 1 , the international non-profit organization that runs the global environmental disclosure system. This marked the third year in a row that NRI has received this recognition, which distinguishes NRI as a global leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout its entire supply chain and in working to reduce climate change-related risk, as well as in efforts to assist suppliers in reducing their emissions.
NRI was likewise selected in December 2021 to the “A List” 2 in CDP’s 2021 climate change survey, with this honor recognizing companies that are given the highest survey ratings.


About the Supplier Engagement Ratings (SER)

Every year, CDP uses the “CDP Climate Change Questionnaire” to survey the companies with the highest market capitalization in the world on initiatives such as their greenhouse gas emission reduction activities and climate change mitigation measures. For the FY2021 survey, over 13,000 companies disclosed information on such activities. The Supplier Engagement Rankings assess companies based solely on their responses from the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire that pertain to engagement with suppliers.
In the 2021 Supplier Engagement Rankings, over 500 companies across the world were selected to the Leaderboard, with 105 of these companies being from Japan, including NRI.

About NRI’s climate change-related supplier engagement

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting from business activities across its entire supply chain, NRI has set the objective of having 70% or more of its suppliers set SBTs 3 for reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. NRI also holds “Sustainability Dialogues” with domestic and international partners every year, where the participants share opinions on sustainability-related topics including climate change and discuss their methods for setting greenhouse gas emission targets 4 . In addition, for the purpose of gaining a better understanding of its Scope 3 emissions 5 , since FY2021 NRI has also been part of the CDP Supply Chain Program 6 .
NRI believes that these proactive efforts to engage with its suppliers on climate change have been recognized as high-level in a global context, leading to its selection to the Leaderboard.

The NRI Group will continue to work with all of its stakeholders to address social issues including climate change under its corporate philosophy of “Dream up the future”, in an effort to contribute to the creation of a sustainable future society.

  • 1   

    CDP: CDP is a global non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. It leverages investor and buyer power to motivate companies to disclose and manage their environmental impacts.
    For details on CDP’s Supply Engagement Rankings, see the CDP website.
    CDP website:

  • 2   

    NRI Makes CDP’s A List for the Third Year in a Row for Leading Efforts Against Climate Change:
    NRI News (Dec. 13, 2021):

  • 3   

    Science Based Targets (SBTs): An initiative to promote the setting of science-based targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by companies in order to control the increase in global temperature below 2℃ from pre-industrial revolution levels. The initiative was established to promote efforts to address the challenges of climate change by four organizations: CDP, which is a federation of institutional investors promoting disclosures on climate-change countermeasures; the UN Global Compact (UNGC); the World Resources Institute (WRI); and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
    SBT Initiative website:

  • 4   

    Sustainability Dialogues with business partners:
    NRI official website:

  • 5   

    Scope 3 emissions: Indirect greenhouse gas emissions other than Scope 1 (direct emissions from business operators) and Scope 2 (Indirect emissions such as those arising from the use of electricity, heat, and steam supplied by other companies). For example, these include emissions from manufacturing in the supply chain, employee transportation, or business trips.

  • 6   

    CDP Supply Chain Program: A program in which participating member companies and organizations request that their key suppliers answer CDP’s questionnaires through the CDP disclosure system.

For Reference

●  NRI’s sustainability-related initiatives


Integrated Report:

ESG Databook:

Sustainability Book:

Contact Us

Inquiries about this press release:

Sangi Tamaoka
Corporate Communications Department
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.


Inquiries about index selection result:

Kenji Honda, Tomoko Takahashi
Sustainability & Responsibility Group
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
